Olympia Provisions

500% Increase in Email & SMS Revenue

Within 6 weeks of working together B.S. & Co. Olympia Provisions email went from 10% of Shopify revenue to over 50%
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Increase in Campaign Deliveries
Increase in Pop Up Conversion Rate
Increase in Klaviyo Revenue

About the brand

Olympia Provisions is a renowned charcuterie and meat producer based in Portland, Oregon. They are celebrated for their artisanal approach, crafting high-quality cured meats and salamis using traditional European methods. With a focus on sustainability and exceptional flavors, Olympia Provisions has become a favorite among food enthusiasts and chefs nationwide.
Olympia Provisions

The Challenge

Revenue was declining because nobody on the team was educated enough or had enough time to spend focusing on the email and sms programs. Open rates, click through rates, review submissions, SMS and email conversions were at an all time low. It had been floundering for months leading up to working with B.S. & Co.
We’re sold out - how?? You guys are killing it.
Michelle Cairo
CEO & CO-Funder, Olympia Provisions

Klaviyo revenue was declining for months leading up to B.S. & Co. taking over. Campaigns were being sent infrequently to different audiences and not centered around ecommerce purchases. Flows hadn’t been updated in over a year and weren’t working properly due to neglect, leading to a poor customer journey and experience. Open rates, click through rates, review submissions, SMS and email conversions were at an all time low.

The Solution

Michelle, CEO of Olympia Provisions, came to B.S. & Co. after having already developed a relationship looking for that partner who could take over & own their retention program.By consolidating everything onto Klaviyo - email, SMS & reviews - and having a team of people who knew how to leverage each piece, they were able to exceed expectations. This led to a complete turnaround of not only their retention program but also their online store as a whole; turning a YoY decline into YoY growth.

Leveraging The Full Power of Klaviyo’s Suite

By integrating combined SMS and emails within flows, we aimed to enhance conversions and engage customers on their preferred platforms. We successfully elevated review generation by incorporating it into Klaviyo, while also introducing flow splits to tailor information delivery to both customers and prospects.

Our  Work



Michelle Cairo
CEO & CO-Funder, Olympia Provisions

Want your emails to look like these?