Olympia Provisions

Increasing Flow Revenue by 6X

Learn how we Increased Billy Reids Klaviyo Flow revenue by 6X.
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Increase In Flow Revenue
Increase in Total Campiagn Recipient
Increase in Attributed Total Revenue YoY

About the brand

Billy Reid is a luxury fashion brand known for its sophisticated yet approachable Southern-inspired designs. Offering a range of high-quality clothing, footwear, and accessories, Billy Reid blends timeless style with modern craftsmanship, appealing to discerning customers who appreciate elegance and comfort.
Olympia Provisions

The Challenge

Billy Reid was looking for someone to come in and improve on their already successful email marketing program and improve segmentation, design, flows, and forms.

Our Approach


Developed segmentation strategies around womens & dual sending to target women shoppers & support burgeoning women’s program.

Conducted over 20 different tests around email content, subject lines, send times, and other factors that lead to multiple impactful findings.

Developed strategies for breaking out prospects & customers to better convert prospects into paying customers.


Set up & created post-purchase questionnaires that collected over 1100 responses from customers about their experience, competitors, shopping habits, and potential improvements.

Launched customer journey specific splits - prospects vs customers - that have roughly 2X’d CTR’s vs controls leading to higher percentage of prospects becoming customers.

Tested sale pop-up messaging that resulted in 2X higher opt-in rates on sale messaging & 2X higher conversion rates on purchases inside corresponding flows.

Created strategies for sales inside of flows that lead to 2X high conversion rates compared to controls.

The Results

Over the course of working together we generated:

  • 7 figures in revenue generated over the course of working together.
  • 7 figures in revenue YTD from flows setup by our team.
  • 6 figures in revenue from campaigns sent by our team.
  • 1109 responses generated from post-purchase surveys about experience & shopping behavior.
  • 596 product reviews generated by launching new review program.
  • 40X ROAS on co-launching PostPilot & creating a new retention channel.
  • 40% increase in subscribers reached per campaign with a 10% increase in open rates per campaign.
  • 26.7% increase in attributed revenue during our time working together compared YoY.

Our  Work



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