Olympia Provisions

Doubling YoY Email Revenue 

How we took Mahogany’s email revenue from 25% of revenue in 2022 to 54% in 2023. 
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Increase in attributable revenue generated
Increase in campaign deliveries
Increase in flow deliveries

About the brand

Mahogany Smoked Meats was started more than 100 years ago, with it’s original location still open in Bishop, California. With a rich history in old-fashioned, slow-smoked meats, they’ve built a loyal following.
Olympia Provisions

The Challenge

Being a small company, Brandon was struggling to keep up with all of the marketing necessary. He was excited for someone who could come in & take over email as they had been doing virtually nothing. Campaigns were generating limited results & revenue with old flows that were doing OK. He knew everything needed to be redone, new flows launched, and someone who could oversee the success of the channel.

Our Work


We knew this would be our single biggest area of opportunity. Mahogany Smoked Meats had cultivated a loyal customer base who were very interested in the brand - they simply weren’t being communicated with. The first month we saw a 135% YoY increase in revenue, from campaigns alone (this was in November).

Results didn’t slow down. Campaigns went from generating virtually no revenue in calendar year 2022 to driving 68% of total Klaviyo attributable revenue in 2023. We have created a consistent channel of communication & source of revenue for the business.


Flows had been the only thing previously driving any communication or revenue when it came to email. However, we knew it could be doing a lot more. With only 3 basic flows built, we knew there was a lot of opportunity to improve on what was there & launch new customer journeys so we dove in quickly.

3 months into our working relationship, we saw an increase of nearly 100% in revenue being generated from flows with deliveries also up 102%. This meant we were reaching more customers att the relevant time & they were responding.

The Results

Mahogany Smoked Meats has been an astounding success, across the board which explains our almost 2 year relationship. When we first started with them, they were sending maybe 1 email per month and had 3 flows set up. Email was an OK channel but it felt like an huge untapped opportunity for them - they simply didn’t have the time. Fast forward nearly 2 years and email & sms attribute more revenue than any other channel. It takes their team less than 5 hours a month and results continue to improve - with revenue already up 40% YoY this year (2024 vs 2023).

Our  Work



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